Inspired to Thrive
ロマニシャン 皇 スメラ
ロマニシャン 皇 スメラ
Sumera Lee Romaniszynは、ロサンゼルスを拠点にさまざまな分野で事業を展開し、多彩なキャリアを築いています。彼女は映像制作会社を運営し、マーケティングコンサルタントとしても活躍。さらに、スキンケアやサプリメントの製造業、子供向けのファッションブランドの経営にも携わっています。
2021年には、自伝的要素を含むリーダーシップ書籍『Master the Storms, Master Your Dreams』を出版し、続いて『A Step Towards Greatness: Unlocking the Power of Youth』、『A Shard of Greatness: Fueling Passion, Purpose, and Potential』を発表。これらの書籍は、彼女が台湾、日本、アメリカで実施するリーダーシップセミナーにおいて、教材として使用されています。これらの活動を通じて、若者たちにリーダーシップスキルと成長マインドセットを提供しています。

Founder: Sumera Romaniszyn
Sumera Lee Romaniszyn leads a dynamic and diverse career, managing multiple businesses based in Los Angeles across various industries. She operates a film production company focused on documentaries and television commercials and serves as a marketing consultant for a Japanese television station. In addition, she oversees skincare and supplement manufacturing, as well as managing a children's clothing brand that operates in China.
She also holds U.S. distribution rights for a well-known Hokkaido chocolate brand and provides leadership training to the brand's American team. Beyond these ventures, she is involved in land development and commercial mall facility investments in Las Vegas, where her strategic leadership skills are fully leveraged.
In 2021, Sumera published her leadership book, Master the Storms, Master Your Dreams, which blends her personal journey with practical leadership advice. She has since authored two additional books, A Step Towards Greatness: Unlocking the Power of Youth and A Shard of Greatness: Fueling Passion, Purpose, and Potential, which are used as texts in her leadership seminars held in Taiwan, Japan, and the United States. These seminars help young people develop leadership skills and foster a growth mindset for future success.
Sumera also founded the Global Youth Leadership Program, which helps teenagers gain essential leadership skills for their future endeavors. Through speaking, training, producing, and authoring, Sumera empowers people of all ages to build confidence and thrive in the pursuit of their dreams.
Her career began as a television personality and radio talk show host, and she also worked as a model for renowned fashion designers. However, at the age of nineteen, with only $2,000, she defied her family’s wishes and moved to the United States on her own. This bold decision laid the foundation for her international success, equipping her with the mindset and resilience needed to thrive in a global environment.
While completing her MBA in Los Angeles, Sumera launched her first business in marketing consulting and film production for Japanese companies. During this time, the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan claimed the lives of twenty-eight of her friends and family members. Despite the personal devastation and challenges of being an immigrant, Sumera initiated charity efforts to support her hometown, an experience that sparked her desire to contribute more to the global community.
Currently, Sumera balances her business ventures with international travel, where she delivers seminars and lectures to help students master leadership principles and prepare to engage meaningfully with their communities. She is also pursuing further education in business and leadership at Harvard University, always looking for new ways to grow and improve.
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset x Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset x Fixed Mindset
Did you know that your strong mindset can help you achieve what you ultimately seek out of life? Our brains hold much more power than we think. Believe it or not, more than anything our thoughts will influence the actions we make on a daily basis, making it important to keep a positive and uplifting attitude at all times.
When it comes to mindsets, there are two significant ones that can either rise you toward your goal and dreams, or set you on an uphill road to get there. These two mindsets are the FIXED mindset and the GROWTH mindset.
We need to be more focused on keeping a growth mindset through the day so we can stay inspired, motivated, and committed to achieving all we dream of. In order to do that, we first need to understand the difference between the two and how you can determine whether you can use a change of mindset.
If you’re interested in developing a growth mindset and learning to utilize it everyday - which everyone should - there are several thing you can start doing today! Let’s take a look at some of our top advice fo developing a growth mindset:
- Instead of Saying “ I can’t “. Say “I can learn”.
- Don’t see failure as the end of the road. Instead see it as this is just beginning of one
- Become self-aware of your strengths and weakness, that way you know what to improve on.
- Curiosity killed the cat but it did nothing but help the human - don’t be afraid to learn new things.
- Challenges aren’t your enemy, they’re your best friend trying to help you stronger.
- Find your passion, love what you do, and don’t settle for anything less.
- Be relentless in your various journeys throughout life.
- Learn to inspire, but most importantly learn to be inspired,
Our brains do much more than we think, The more we learn to apply ourselves and focus on the things that matter, we can truly start to turn our life around and move in the right direction,
There’s so much to love in life, we just have to keep a positive attitude and do what can to see the good in any situation.
Be a Mentor
Each year we are seeking to expand and grow our leadership program. We're more than welcome to accept corporate and individual sponsors. Help us to grow our youth leadership program. If you would be interested, contact us at
Our Mentors
- Mr. Junki Yoshida from Yoshida Sauce
- Mr. Terry Hara : LAPD deputy of chief officer
- Henry Losano : Director of USA Freedom Corps
Obtain the ability to establish support networks that help to create a foundation of resources ensuring better achievement of future goals and aspirations
Effect positive social change through the ability to guide or direct others on a course of positive action
Positively influence the values, opinions and behaviors of others
Serve as an exemplary global role model
An important part of This youth leadership program is seeing the sites around some of our nation’s greatest cities. These trips are designed as both sightseeing tours and exclusive educational trips specifically tailored to the area of Leadership.
OUR Program
- Visualizing personal growth and development
- Structuring future dreams and goals
- Presentation skills and body language
- Motivation and values of a global leader
- Seminar Lecture Series conducted by guest global leaders
- Implications of social media: spreading value messages to the world
- Networking with other volunteer youth leaders in Los Angeles